Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Page 155 in the Book of Mormon

Page 155 but the exact reference page 155 verse 6.

Anyone who knows me ... who REALLY knows me, knows that I'm really committed to religion and very committed to my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
But I hate the culture.  I hate everything about the culture.  To me it's one of shame and very toxic.  So as a member of this church and as a mother, my focus lately has been to weed through the shit and identify and teach the pure gospel of my religion.
I was reading today in Mosiah.  Chapter 4.  Verse 6.
"...if you have come to a knowledge of the goodness of God, and his matchless power, and his wisdom, and his patience, and his long-suffering towards the children of men; and also, the atonement which has been prepared from the foundation of the world, that thereby salvation might come to him that should put his trust in the Lord, and should be diligent in keeping his commandments, and continue in the faith even unto the end of his life, I mean the life of the mortal body - (7) I say, that this is the man who receiveth salvation..."



I can bet most LDS kids can rattle off how they should dress, what they can and can't do on Sundays, how long boys hair should be, that coffee and smoking is bad ... but have there been any deep, to the soul, discussions on the goodness of God?  What "matchless power" means and how we can call on it to help us?  Have the youth been made aware, if just for a tiny bit, of God's wisdom in THEIR own lives?  What does long-suffering even mean for ME on a personal level?

I find it humbling that the "atonement ... was prepared from the FOUNDATION of the world" which would play such a soul saving role when Eve ate from the tree of knowledge while in the garden of Eden.  The atonement wasn't going to come into play UNTIL AFTER she ate the fruit ... meaning, Eve fulfilled her mission perfectly when she at.  What can we learn from Eve and her understanding of things, her faith, her boldness, her risk taking ... she went and did what she was told NOT TO DO and in so doing, unlocked a mystery of heaven ... the ATONEMENT!  What can we learn from this?  Why isn't this discussed in Sunday School?

"Put his trust in the Lord..." what does that even mean?  What does that feel like?  It's such a scary thing really... I can put my trust in the Lord maybe ... 30% worth.  I battle with this because of fear ... what tools can I give my kids, other kids, to help them with this?

"Diligent in keeping the commandments ... continue in the faith ..." basically until death.

This verse just hit me like a ton of bricks today.  I'm shocked that this verse isn't what the youth are asked to memorize instead of the Young Women's theme.  And the reason I'm shocked is because of what follows:

"...this is the man who receiveth salvation..."

And THIS IS WHY we have been commanded by a living prophet of God, to INSTEAD OF LEANING ON THE CHURCH to teach our kids, that WE TEACH OUR OWN KIDS.

In my own personal life, the "culture" of the church has been rammed down my throat ... and now, I'm choking on it.  I'm having a literal "spiritual vomiting" if you will to remove the culture from my throat.  And in so doing, I've been learning so much more of what being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is about.  I'm making room for the "bread and water" that Christ offers.  I desire so much to strengthen my trust in the Lord.  To be able to recognize the Lords commandments so I can keep them...to continue in the the faith ...

Faith in what?  Faith of what?

The rest of this chapter teaches this.  It's a great chapter.  I'm so glad I read it.  I had to put my thoughts down so I hopped onto the computer to write.

If I can tap into God's matchless power, ... wow... this truly is something my children need to be made aware of!  This is such a great chapter.

And this just further strengthens my knowledge and beliefs that there truly is a living, breathing, talking to God prophet on this Earth again to prepare our families and ourselves for the up and coming days.  I love that we're being counseled to not rely on teachers, activities, the church building and its classrooms, to teach our children.  I think so much has been missed or glossed over in the past.  Maybe we didn't need it so badly like we do now.

This chapter ... my kids will learn about starting tonight!!

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